- デリバティブ取引とは
- デリバティブのメリット・デメリット
2つめの例としてベアリングス銀行事件がある。1762年に初代準男爵サー・フランシス・ベアリング(1740-1810)によってロンドン・シティにおいて最古のマーチャント・バンクとして創設された。ベアリングス銀行は大英帝国拡張の時流に乗って貿易商人たちの手形の引受で業績を伸ばしていき、1793年にはロンドン最有力の引受業者に成長した。しかし、1995年シンガポール支店に勤務していたニック・リーソン(1967-)のデリバティブ取引の失敗で致命的打撃をこうむり、ベアリングス銀行は同年2月26日に破産。233年の歴史に幕を閉じた。 当時リーソンは、シンガポール国際金融取引所SIMEXおよび大阪証券取引所に上場される日経225先物取引を行っていたが、同年1月17日に阪神・淡路大震災が起き、日経株価指数が急落し損失が拡大した。損失を秘密口座に隠蔽すると同時に、先物オプションを買い支えるための更なる膨大なポジションを取った。最終的な損失は、ベアリングス銀行の自己資本(750億円)を遥かに超過する約8.6億ポンド(約1,380億円)に達した。
- 債権
- 外貨
外国為替証拠金取引(FX)におけるリスクヘッジ商品として限月を設定した取引。FXは「”将来”円高になるだろうから円買い」などの思惑・予測から売買されることが多いこともあって、先物取引であるとの誤解がしばしば見られるが、外国為替証拠金取引そのものは「直物為替先渡し取引」に相当する先渡し契約(forward)であり先物取引ではない。また、外貨取引に関して、1998年4月に、外国為替及び外国貿易法(新改正外為法)が施行された。海外の子会社を含めたグループ企業同士の「ネッティング取引」また、コストを外国為替取引やデリバティブ取引では企業間などで取引を行う場合、取引のたびに決済を行うのではなく、ある一定の期日に債券と債務をまとめて相殺し、差額分だけを決済することができる。取引のたびに決済を行うと為替手数料などが発生するが、ネッティングを行うことでコストを削減できる。 2者間での相殺をバイラテラル・ネッティング、3者以上に渡る相殺をマルチラテラル・ネッティングという[3]。
- 証券
- まとめ
Financial products include stocks, bonds, deposits and loans, and foreign exchange. Financial instruments are subject to the following risks: These include price fluctuation risk, credit risk, interest rate fluctuation risk, foreign exchange risk, and country risk. Derivatives were devised as a method to reduce the risk of these financial products or to pursue high profitability by taking risks. Since derivatives have a strong relationship with the financial product on which they are derived, the word derivative is generally translated as a financial derivative product in Japanese. It was born as a risk hedging product that has a system that can respond to the risks of financial products. From the perspective of managing financial risk, derivatives trading is described as follows.
2.Derivatives Trading
Derivatives transactions that consider risk management and the pursuit of profits include transactions in which the underlying financial instrument is promised to be bought and sold in advance called “futures trading,” and transactions in which the right to buy or sell in the future is called “options trading,” and there are a wide variety of transactions that combine these. In global financial transactions, the history of derivatives is surprisingly old, and it is said that the tulip market in the Netherlands in the 17th century is the prototype of “options trading”, and the rice market in Osaka Dojima in the 18th century is the prototype of “futures trading”. In addition, modern derivatives centered on “swap transactions” have evolved greatly since the currency swap conducted between the World Bank and IBM in 1981[1]. Depending on the target product, there are orthodox “financial derivatives” such as “bond derivatives” that are related to the price of bonds, “interest rate derivatives” that are related to the level of interest rates, and “real estate derivatives” that target real estate. Recently, new derivatives have also been developed, such as “emission rights derivatives” that cover CO2 emissions, and “weather derivatives” that are related to temperature and rainfall.
3.Advantages and disadvantages of derivatives
As a merit of derivatives, weather derivatives developed by Enron Corporation in the United States in 1997 are cited. For example, due to the cold summer, the temperature did not rise, and the expected number of beers sold did not sell. In such a case, there is a mechanism to suppress risk fluctuations, such as paying compensation in the case of a cool summer and conversely paying a purchase option fee in the case of a heat wave. In addition, in the case of companies that sell less heating appliances when it is warm in winter, or when there is a lot of snowfall, there are cases where products and services related to snow removal and snow melting become active. In this way, there are various derivatives targets, and derivative transactions represented by futures trading and option trading as a type of derivatives are diversely conceived and formed, and are widely used as a means of risk hedging and efficient asset management[2].
Another disadvantage was the global financial crisis that began in 2007 and the resulting Lehman shock. This exposed the dangers of OTC derivatives trading. The collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 and other events exposed risks in over-the-counter derivatives transactions between financial institutions. The opacity of over-the-counter derivatives became a major problem. Since over-the-counter derivatives are relative transactions, the authorities were unable to grasp the whole picture, and credit anxiety accelerated around the world. In particular, credit default swaps (CDS) were raised, and when AIG, which owned a large amount of CDS, fell into a financial crisis, the Federal Reserve, the central bank system of the United States, bailed out AIG in order to prevent further intensification of credit anxiety due to the failure of AIG. In this way, the increased systemic risk effect of the expansion of unsupervised over-the-counter derivatives trading has become widely recognized around the world.
The second example is the Barings Bank case. It was founded in 1762 by Sir Francis Baring, 1st Baronet (1740-1810), as the oldest merchant bank in the City of London. Barings Bank jumped on the bandwagon of the expansion of the British Empire and grew its business by underwriting the bills of traders, and by 1793 it had grown to become London’s most powerful underwriter. However, in 1995, Nick Leeson (1967-), who was working at the Singapore branch, suffered a fatal blow due to the failure of derivatives trading, and Barings Bank went bankrupt on February 26 of the same year. The curtain has come down on its 233-year history. At that time, Leeson was trading Nikkei 225 futures listed on the Singapore International Financial Exchange SIMEX and the Osaka Securities Exchange, but on January 17 of the same year, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred, and the Nikkei stock price index plummeted and losses expanded. At the same time as hiding the losses in a secret account, he took even more large positions to support the purchase of futures options. The final loss amounted to about 860 million pounds (about 138 billion yen), which far exceeded Barings Bank’s equity capital (75 billion yen).
Typical types of bonds are government bonds, local government bonds, corporate bonds, and business bonds, but if you hold them until maturity, the principal will be returned in full if the issuer does not go bankrupt, so safety is often relatively high. The size of this issuer risk will determine the high or low yield. Those with high issuer risk are less secure but more profitable. Conversely, the issuer risk is small, safety is high, but profitability is low. In addition, there is a risk of interest rate fluctuations, and if the interest rate in the market is high at the time of sale, the bond price will fall, and there is a possibility that the principal will be lost. Unlike stocks, they are not bought and sold by an unspecified number of market participants through the stock exchange, but are often traded against each other, so it can be said that the liquidity (convertibility) is relatively low. In addition, it carries the same inflation risk as deposits.
5.Foreign currency
There is no need to think about it in domestic finance, but when it comes to international finance, it involves foreign exchange transactions. For example, when a Japan company and an American company trade across borders, each company needs to exchange its own currency for another country’s currency. The exchange of such currencies is foreign exchange trading. In international finance, there is no central bank, so there is no central bank to monitor and, if necessary, control as in domestic finance. Even if capital is depleted during transactions, there is no central bank that controls the entire world, so each country or region must respond.
Trading in which an instrument is set as a risk hedging product in foreign exchange margin trading (FX). Forex is often misunderstood as a futures transaction because it is often bought and sold from speculation and predictions such as “buying yen because the yen will appreciate in the future”, but foreign exchange margin trading itself is a forward contract equivalent to “spot exchange forward transaction” and is not a futures transaction. In April 1998, the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (newly amended Foreign Exchange Act) came into effect. In the case of “netting transactions” between group companies, including overseas subsidiaries, and in the case of foreign exchange transactions and derivatives transactions, when the cost is traded between companies, the bonds and debts can be offset together on a certain date and only the difference can be settled, rather than settling each transaction. If you make a settlement every time you make a transaction, you will incur exchange fees, but netting can reduce costs. Cancellation between two parties is called bilateral netting, and cancellation across three or more parties is called multilateral netting[3].
Securities generally refer to securities such as stocks, bonds, government bonds, bills of exchange, checks, and bills of lading. Securities in securities transactions and securities markets are limited to certain securities such as stock certificates, corporate bonds, and government bonds among securities under the Securities and Exchange Act. In addition to securities, securities include securities such as IOUs and contracts (deeds, deeds), and exempt securities such as personal belongings receipts, foot tags, and cash cards. In addition, cash vouchers may also be included in securities in a broad sense. In addition, the content of the right recorded by electromagnetic method on a plastic card is sometimes called a certificate in law, but it is often a type of securities such as securities and exempt securities[4].
This report discusses derivatives trading from the perspective of financial risk management. Derivatives were devised as a method to reduce the risk of financial products in order to protect the financial products from which derivatives are derivatives, or to pursue higher profitability than the underlying financial products. He cited the Lehman shock in 2007 and the Barings Bank case in 1995 as past examples of the merits and demerits of derivatives, as well as an explanation of the terminology of receivables, foreign currencies, and securities related to derivatives. As a merit, CO2 emission credits in recent years, and even weather related to temperature and rainfall exist as derivatives. I felt that the weather derivatives of this are like insurance that arises from various factors. The history of derivatives has existed for a surprisingly long time, and I learned that the tulip market in the Netherlands in the 17th century and the rice market in Osaka Dojima in the 18th century were the prototypes of futures trading. We conclude this report with the hope that various derivatives transactions will be developed in the future.
[1] 金融情報サイト https://www.ifinance.ne.jp/glossary/derivatives/
[2] 知るポルト 金融広報中央委員会 https://www.shiruporuto.jp/public/data/encyclopedia/deriv/deriv101.html
[4]株式会社平凡社 世界大百科事典 第2版について